A quick blog on being mindful.
So what is mindfulness?
It is quite often used in therapeutic techniques particularly for the management of stress, and anxiety, grief and depression.
In today’s modern fast paced world, we so often do things out of habit or at such speed because we have the need to get things done and get it done quickly. We don’t always think we have the time to stop and see what is around us, or find opportunities to simply ‘be’. We focus so much on the future, on what needs to get done or where we see ourselves in 5 years or 10 years. Thinking about the past, reflecting on past mistakes, ruminating on things we wish had gone differently , that we forget about the present moment and before you know it life has passed us by in a flash, time we won’t get back again.
There are a lot of poems out there which invoke a sense of what mindfulness is but here is one which resonates with me and helps to draw us closer to nature:
The peace of wild things by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
And I wake in the night at the least sound
In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be
I go and lie down where the wood drake rests
In his beauty on the water
And the good heron feeds
I come into the peace of wild things
Who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief
I come into the presence of still water
And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light
For the time I rest in the grace of the world, and I am free.
So think of mindfulness as a way to stop and catch up with yourself. Catch your breath , see what is around you, recognise what you are thinking, seeing, feeling to help you become more grounded. I love the thought that nature has no concept of the future- it simply is, in the here and now, no forethought for grief. Somewhere in our modern way of life, we have forgotten that we are nature too, and the future will come no matter what, but the here and now is passing us by so swiftly. When you are in the hills, or by the sea, or in your local park; try stopping and feeling the air on your skin, smelling the trees around you , feel the fallen leaves and see what it evokes in you.
What benefit does this bring?
· Turning off our cruise control mode through life and valuing what is right in front of us
· Improve depression, stress and anxiety and the subsequent health implications
· Help dealing with our negative emotions
· Becoming more grounded, in the present moment, improved resilience through times of stress
Ways to do this:
There are many variants on this theme and many ways you can do this, some may feel better than others.
Mindfulness through gardening or nature is one approach- there are some great books out there to help with this.
1-Gardening for mindfulness by Holly Farrell is great starting point
2-Grounded by Ruth Allen for a rounded approach to exploring our connection with nature that benefits our overall wellbeing.
Another could be through practising Zen techniques- here are just a few suggestions,
Make time for emptiness
Savour the morning air
Make a delicious cup of coffee
Seek out the sunset
Breath slowly and exhale fully
Make time to be alone
This may feel like too much to start with, after all time is short I know;
But simply finding small moments in your day to day life to stop and look up can just be the start you need- see what is around you and notice it within you. This could be by looking out the window on the train journey commute to work rather than scrolling on your phone. Sitting in a coffee shop and instead of reading or doing work or being on the phone again- look out of the window, watch the people pass by , see what is happening on the street beside you, notice what people are wearing, and check how you are feeling.
If you need some inspiration- here are some great podcasts:
Slow Brew Sunday- episode 2- Chronically Overbooked
Lavandaire Lifestyle- episode 239- Slow Living- she also has a great range of guided meditations to try out
Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga – Hale Pule- Flourish through busy times
I’ve found these on Spotify- I’m pretty sure they are on apple as well.